Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Demand and Utility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Request and Utility - Essay Example In the event that to take a gander at the interest of costly houses, request is influenced by the circumstance on the securities exchanges - if individuals don't want to purchase another house, they would think about the choice of putting the cash into land or financial exchange to pick up the benefits temporarily. On the off chance that the customer needs to get the drawn out benefits, he would put into extravagance items and the interest will go up. The diminished interest prompts the diminished flexibly of the extravagance products and expanded gracefully of the merchandise focused on center pay individuals. As the outcome, the organizations will in general present items that are increasingly inventive and less expensive. The extravagance products are as yet wanted, yet less requested and less bought. Be that as it may, when individuals purchase extravagance merchandise as the intend to show their social standing, the gracefully won't be influenced in light of the fact that the interest remains equivalent to well. Taking a gander at the never diminishing gracefully of the extravagance top of the line garments, it is conceivable to state that the flexibly of costly material will never go down and it isn't influenced by any monetary variables. The interest of extravagance gadgets relies upon the longing of likely clients to change their old gadgets on the new just as on the cost of the new gadgets.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Conference paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Meeting - Research Paper Example The conversation of this paper centers around the distinctive social viewpoints and how this impacts the individual and social cooperations of the understudies and scientists’ observations. Individual collaboration is the way where people connect with one another in a gathering or a network through correspondence. The language of individuals to an extraordinary expand decides how an individual communicate with one another. There is high force vested on close to home relations, with correspondence assuming an indispensable job in binding together the individuals from a specific gathering (Eby and Allen, 2012). Correspondence assumes a significant job in guaranteeing a smooth running of occasions in a gathering or network. Language as a type of correspondence joins the individuals communicating in the basic language. Contrasts in correspondence and language could be a wellspring of contention. It is accepted that language orders individuals into various social and is liable for people’s ethnicity and social gathering. Social connection is the manner by which at least two individuals who are commonly arranged associate with one another through demonstrations, activities, or practices (Argyle, 2007). The conduct of these individuals influences every one of the parties’ abstract encounters or expectations. Gatherings associated with this type of relationship ought to know about each other and put each other into thought. Such a relationship requires the gatherings to carry on towards one another, depicting the common assent of the presence and nearness of the other individual. Trust is fundamental to the achievement of the social communication, and mystery keeping an eye on the other party without their agree is probably going to carry issues into the relationship. The conduct of the gatherings impacts the achievement of social association. As indicated by Nganga and â€Å"University of Wyoming† (2006), individuals should know about their social impacts as they identify with each other in the general public. Understudies of various foundations and societies having a similar learning offices need to

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Depression Related to Quitting Smoking

Depression Related to Quitting Smoking Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit Print Depression Related to Quitting Smoking How to Deal With the Temporary Mood Changes By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on February 21, 2017 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine.   Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD Updated on February 22, 2020 Depression Overview Types Symptoms Causes & Risk Factors Diagnosis Treatment Coping ADA & Your Rights Depression in Kids Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee In This Article Table of Contents Expand Changes in the Body Symptoms Coping Techniques Pre-Existing Depression View All Quitting smoking is difficult enough when youre feeling happy. Unfortunately, it can become further challenging due to depressionâ€"a common complaint early on in smoking cessation.?? Knowing what you may experience as you work to become smoke-free can better prepare you for the journey ahead. Changes in the Body Nicotine withdrawal is the primary reason for the temporary depression you may experience after quitting smoking.?? When you use nicotine on a regular basis, your body and brain become dependent on it as the nicotine bonds with your brain receptors to trigger the release of dopamine, the feel-good hormone. Once you stop smoking and are producing less dopamine than your body and mind have become accustomed to, it is normal to react with low moods and depressed  feelings. Lack of nicotine also means losing the companion that you thought helped you manage everything from anger to fatigue, which leaves most new ex-smokers feeling empty and adrift for a time. Luckily, for most, the condition is a byproduct of smoking cessation and is temporary. Symptoms Some common symptoms of depression that you may experience when you stop smoking include: SleeplessnessSadnessDifficulty concentratingAnxiety or an empty feelingFatigueChanges in appetite (eating more or less)Loss of interest in hobbies and activitiesEmotional irritability You may experience one, some, or all of these at one point or another, and to varying degrees. If you start to feel depressed after quitting tobacco and your low mood doesnt pass after a few weeks or gets worse, be sure to check in with your doctor for advice. Coping Techniques Quitting tobacco is a big change in lifestyle, and you should expect to react, to some degree, both emotionally and physically. You are also at an increased  risk of suffering a smoking relapse  during periods of depression caused by smoking cessation. It is hard to stay focused and maintain the resolve to not smoke when youre feeling low. After years of smoking, it is possible that you began to bury your feelings behind a cloud of smoke.  Cigarettes are used to deal with everything from anger to sadness to joy, causing smokers to often lean on tobacco to avoid difficult emotions.?? It is healthy and productive to let those feelings out, even if you feel a little raw from the experience. For depression that comes with smoking cessation, try some of the following ideas to improve your mood:?? Get out of a quick walk. Fresh air is always invigorating, and exercise releases endorphins in the brain, which are known to improve mood.Set goals, but dont bite off more than you can chew. Divide tasks related to your goals into small chunks that you feel good about accomplishing.Spend time with people who make you feel good.  When negative/sad thoughts come up about smoking, remind yourself that you miss smoking mostly because it was an addiction, and once youre healed, you wont feel this way.Create a list of things you can do at a moments notice when youre feeling the urge to smoke, like do a crossword puzzle or call a supportive friend. Jolting ourselves out of a negative thought pattern is often as simple as changing what were doing.Join a support group. Meeting people who are going through the same struggle as you can help you know youre not alone and offer some much-needed support. The American Lung Associations Freedom From Smoking program has groups all over the country, or do some research to find other support programs in your local area. While quitting smoking, the body and mind are in a state of transition, and its not uncommon for new ex-smokers to struggle with their emotions. Dont worry if you are close to tears one moment and angry or sad the next. The balance will return in time. Change Your Mind, Change Your Life One of the greatest challenges new ex-smokers face is an important change in perspective. It is that shift in thinking from seeing smoking cessation as an exercise in deprivation to realizing that it is, in fact, one of the best gifts youll ever give yourself. This is a crucial step in the process of healing from nicotine addiction, and it is with this transformation that many see their quit-related symptoms of depression begin to lift.?? Pre-Existing Depression If you have been diagnosed and/or treated for depression prior to quitting smoking, it is important to let  your doctor know ahead of time that youre planning to quit.  Smoking cessation could make you susceptible to additional mood disturbances.??   Smoking also causes some medications to be metabolized more quickly, so when you quit, prescriptions youre already taking might need to be adjusted. Your doctor can monitor and correct dosages on  any medications you might be on, if necessary. Always be on alert for drastic mood changes and contact your doctor as soon as possible if anything out of the ordinary occurs. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. A Word From Verywell If the blues have come on since you quit smoking, remember that this is not uncommon. As you are patient through this likely temporary phase,  find comfort from your friends, family, and keeping busy with healthier, more productive activities. With time and dedication, these will become the more familiar sources of good feelings, and smoking will become that thing that you thought used to bring you benefit. You can also take comfort in knowing that millions of people have been through this process successfully before you, and many include it among the most rewarding experiences of their lives. Happier days are ahead, and with them will come a tremendous sense of pride and empowerment from overcoming this addiction.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Greek Mythology in Death in Venice by Thomas Mann

In this paper I will look to discuss Greek myths and how they are significant to Death in Venice and how these myths are used as metaphors within the novella. Myths and legends act as a form of moral regulation within society (Morford et al. 2013). They pose an extreme situation followed by what is deemed the â€Å"wrong choice† that is followed by extreme consequences to the character’s choice. Within Mann’s Death in Venice there are several instances of Greek mythology being used as metaphors that foreshadow various aspects in the book, such as Aschenbach’s impending death. The novella also makes comparisons between prominent Greek Gods and Myths, the Greek ideal to characters and situations in the novella. The first myth we encounter is†¦show more content†¦Because he was defeated he turned himself into a river, which is still known as the Achelous River in modern Greece (Morford et al. 2013). Nymphs are female deities who attend to the gods. Aschenbach refers to the river god and nymphs on page 83 because he is thinking of the walls in Athens and the relationship between Socrates and Phaedrus, which is a mentor-pupil relationship. Aschenbach sees himself as Socrates, an older wiser man who can guide and mentor young Tadzio in the ways of the world. This begins to change our view as readers of the relationship between Aschenbach and Tadzio from one fuelled by Eros and Cupid to one more innocent and philosophical. The next referenced Greek myth we come across is that of Semele and Zeus on page 84. Semele was a mortal princess who was one of many seduced by the god Zeus. She became pregnant and would give birth to the god Dionysus. Semele reaches a tragic end when she is killed by Zeus’s wife/sister Hera. Zeus however is able to save the baby Dionysus. Once Dionysus grows up, he ventures to the underworld to save his mother and arranges for her to live on Mt. Olympus with the Gods (Morford et al. 2013). Aschenbach refers to Semele and Zeus when he is reflecting on the beauty and spirituality he experiences when he looks at Tadzio (Mann 2004 pp. 84). He looks atShow MoreRelatedSymbolism in Thomas Manns Story \1621 Words   |  7 Pagestwentieth-century literature was Thomas Mann. Thomas Mann is famous for his economical writing. He does not waste a word: every detail he includes is significant, and every detail serves his strategy of suggesting, hinting, rather than directly telling. Without a doubt, Death in Venice by Thomas Mann is one of the greatest masterpieces of short fiction ever written. It tells the story of Gustav von Aschenbach, a successful but aging German writer who follows his wanderlust to Venice in search of spiritualRead MoreEssay on Death In Venice1006 Words   |  5 PagesWriters often bring mythology into their writing to give the storyline and characters more depth and complexity. In Death in Venice by Thomas Mann, Mann uses the gods Apollo and Dionysus and the struggle between opposites to demonstrate the ultimate downfall of the novella’s main character, Aschenbach. Often times, a writer creates a character as a representation of the Apollonian character and another separate character representing the Dionysian character of the novel. Thomas Mann chose to have theRead More Symbols, Symbolism and Irony in Thomas Manns Death in Venice2018 Words   |  9 PagesSymbols, Symbolism and Irony in Thomas Manns Death in Venice      Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel Death in Venice, by Thomas Mann, an observer compliments the main character Gustave von Aschenbach by saying, You see, Aschenbach has always lived like this -here the speaker closed the fingers of his left hand to a fist-never like this -and he let his hand hang relaxed from the back of his chair (p. 1069).   This is a perfect description of Aschenbach, a man set in convention, driven to succeed from anRead More Essay on Art as a Reflection of Life in Death in Venice1204 Words   |  5 PagesArt as a Reflection of Life in Death in Venice      Ã‚  Death in Venice explores the relationship between an artist, namely Gustave von Aschenbach, and the world in which he lives. Aschenbach, destined to be an artist from a young age, represents art, while his surroundings represent life. As the story unfolds, Aschenbach endeavors on a journey in an attempt to relinquish his position in society as an artist. Aschenbach wants to experience life, as opposed to merely reflecting upon it, as heRead MoreDeath Of Venice By Thomas Mann1958 Words   |  8 PagesIn Thomas Mann’s Death In Venice, Tadzio is likened to the sun, and thus represents an illuminating force for knowing what is truly good and just and by consequence represents a â€Å"higher truth.† This quest for knowledge on what is good becomes apparent as Aschenbach becomes more and more infatuated with Tadzio, not in a romantic sense, but rather a sense of seeking what he believes is right, a platonic relationship which ultimately sparks Aschenbach’s demise. Aschenbach’s motives are somewhat muddledRead MoreAnalysis Of The Death Of Venice By Thomas Mann1801 Words   |  8 PagesTadzio as an Illuminator In Thomas Mann’s Death In Venice, Tadzio is likened to the sun and thus represents an illuminating force for knowing what is truly good and just and by consequence represents a â€Å"higher truth.† This quest for knowledge on what is good becomes apparent as Aschenbach becomes more and more infatuated with Tadzio, not in a romantic sense, but rather a sense of seeking what he believes is right, a platonic relationship which ultimately sparks Aschenbach’s demise. Aschenbach’sRead MoreAn Underlying Religious Or Good Vs. Evil Theme Developing Through The Text2856 Words   |  12 Pageswith someone you could never be with. However, each story took on a different direction. Arria Marcella focuses on Octavian seeing fossilized lava cast of a woman s breast and hip at a museum and marvels on how the cast reminds him of a beautiful Greek statue. He notices how beautiful she is and becomes troubled in thinking that she actually existed and someone so beautiful die d in this way. During the tour of Pompeii, the guide shows Octavian the villa of Diomedes Marcellus and informs him thatRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 Pagesmade by individual branches of knowledge to the, understanding of the correspondences between the two worlds (pp.58-59). Chapter 2 treats the subject of the celestial images and their significance, i.e., the forty-eight constellations known to the Greeks and the paranatellonta of the thirtysix decans. The three decans of Aries in the â€Å"Indian† system are selected from Abà » Ma`shar by way of example and a full explanation of their paranatellonta given (pp. 59-62). Ibn Wahshà ®ja follows the same method

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sample Resume The Flavia Fusion Essay - 1611 Words

I have been interested in the one cup coffee brewers for some time. However, I was put off by the high price tag and the high cost per cup of coffee when compared to traditional coffee pots. I finally broke down and purchased a Flavia Fusion coffeemaker. This one-cup brewing system uses coffee packs that brew a single cup at a time with the touch of a button. Here is my review of the Flavia Fusion, based on some key characteristics. CONVENIENCE AND EASE OF USE The Flavia Fusion coffee maker is so easy to use. You just fill the water reservoir (which holds a lot of water, you do not need to fill it for every cup), pop in the coffee pack of your choice, and press a button. It is quick, convenient, and very easy to use. NO CLEANING! This is perhaps my favorite feature of my Flavia Fusion coffee machine. I hate cleaning the coffee pot and filter, and would often leave the mess in the sink after my morning coffee for later. There were many mornings I would wake up and stumble into the kitchen to make my morning brew, only to find a mess in the kitchen that I neglected to clean from the previous morning. Not a good way to start the day. With the Flavia Fusion, there is no clean up. All I need to do is removed the used filter pack and throw it in the trash. VARIETY AND COST The Flavia Fusion has a price tag of $99, much less than a lot of the other single cup brewers out there. It does not have all of the bells and whistles of some of the other brands, but I found it to be a

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Role of the Media in the Violation of Children’s Rights Free Essays

â€Å"Children have the right to reliable information from the media †¦.. [which]†¦. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of the Media in the Violation of Children’s Rights or any similar topic only for you Order Now . should not promote materials that could harm [them]. † (UNICEF, 1991). There is hardly any restriction placed on the dreadful things that the media has to offer and so children these days have easy access to all that they should not be seeing or hearing in the media. This simply means that the media are not playing their role where protecting children is concerned. In today’s society where the mass media convey all form of negativity whether on the television, internet, videogames or even the radio, members of society need to become aware of what the younger generation are being influenced by so that values that are taught are not lost easily. The media violate the rights of a child by exposing them to crime and violence, giving them access to sexually explicit content and by creating a false sense of reality in which they believe almost everything they see. The media expose children to crime and violence on a daily basis. This is so because everyday at least child watch the television, listen to the radio, play video games or surf the internet. Huesman (1986) as cited in Kundanis (2003) is of the view that children with poor academic skills are more aggressive and are the ones who watch more violence on the television. It is believed that violence in the media leads to aggressive behaviour. (Abel, 2005, Huesmann, 1986 as cited in Kundanis, 2003 Johnson, 1998). All of these authors believe that if children are exposed to violence in the media it will have a negative impact on them in which they will become aggressive. Children who behave aggressively tend to carry this behaviour with them to adulthood and sometimes cause damage to those around them. According to Johnson (1998), children act out what they see in the television. Most of the things that children act out are the negativities. These include smoking, killing, fighting and killing just to name a few. According to Johnson (1998) many believe that the parents are the ones to be blamed for children being exposed to crime and violence in the media. However parents can do so much and no more to put a stop to that. This is because, not all the time will they be around to monitor their children’s watching habits, the type of music they listen or the websites they visit. It is agreed that the can play a part in limiting it but not to the full extent. It is the media’s responsibility to protect children from materials that could harm them (UNICEF, 1991), however they are not playing their part and so children are at risk. Children need to be protected against anything that will in anyway seize their ability to grow up with the necessary morals and values. Being exposed to pornography will in some way hinder that. Based on a research done by Ybarra and Mitchell (2005) 90% of the children between the ages of 12 and 18 have access to the internet. The more access a child has to the internet, the more exposed he or she is to the internet. Once the internet connection is there, sexually explicit contents are just a click away. Most times when children are surfing the net a pop-up screen window appears telling them that they have won the lottery or sometimes it is in the form of something very attractive. This is to persuade them so that they will be curious about what is happening on their screen. While some will ignore it, there are others who will venture further into it not knowing what they are getting themselves into. Most of these things lead to pornographic contents. Children are unintentionally being exposed to sexual contents in the media (Ybarra Mitchell, 2005). Most children log on to the internet with no intention of viewing porn however ends up doing just that. The media continues to exploit children’s rights by exposing them to pornography on the internet, in films and televised programmes (Media Code of Conduct, 2005). Even though the media commit themselves to ensuring that they do not violate children’s rights they are failing in the process. Children believe what they see on the media, whether it be true or false. This is because the media produces many things that appear to be real. Children look to certain television characters as their role model, whether they star in a movie, a television show or something of the sort. However, what they fail to realise is that most of the time what their role models are portraying is not necessarily a good thing. To children what is seen on the television is a representation of reality (Baran, McIntyre Meyer, 1984). Therefore actions like smoking are acceptable and the amount they see on the television is normal because television is reality. According to Berger (2008) seeing is believing, so what a person believe is tied to what they have seen. Therefore when a child sees something he or she is confident that it exists. Seeing enables them to ascertain with their own eyes that it is in fact the truth. Even though the Media Code of Conduct states that they commit themselves to ensuring that the media does not violate the rights of a child, very little is done to prevent that. This is so because children are still being exposed to all the negativities that the media offers. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on protecting children from the dangers that are present in the media. This will enable every child to live a healthy lifestyle which they truly deserve. It is in fact the media’s role to fulfil their promise of protecting children from the harm and dangers that they offer. How to cite The Role of the Media in the Violation of Children’s Rights, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Physics Course Work Investigating Stopping Distances of a Car Essay Example

Physics Course Work: Investigating Stopping Distances of a Car Essay I am going to try and find out some information about how the stopping distance of a car, caused by the speed of the car before it begins to stop. To do this I am going to roll a marble down a wooden ramp onto some carpet from different heights and making the marble hit the carpet at different angles.I came to the conclusion that using a marble is the best choice of ball to use to represent my car as it is in a better scale with the ramp because it weighs 5.3g and has a 1cm diameter. This is in scale with the ramp in a way that matches a car going down a road. I also tried different balls to make sure that the marble would give me the most reliable results. I tried the same experiment of rolling each ball down a metal ramp onto the carpet to see which ball ended up in the closest range within five rolls.I found these results came up when I tested just on the carpet.15cm (height of ramp)MarbleGolf BallPing Pong Ball1st Time941011782nd Time951381653rd Time891252014th Time971801845th Ti me9399199As you can see the marble had the least range between the rolls so it was the most reliable test. I decided to do the experiment on the carpet because I tried all three balls on the bare floor, the carpet, the yard and some grass and the carpet was again most reliable.FloorCarpetGrassYard (Gravel)1st Time with marble843942302nd Time879954103rd Time1089891604th Time82197705th Time38693520I was unable to get any results for the gravel as the marble rolled all over the yard in anything but a straight line. As the results show the carpet was the only type of floor that gave me reasonable results.Now I have chosen which ball and surface I am going to use for my investigation I am going to carry it out. To do this I am going to roll a marble down my wooden ramp from different heights to find out how the speed of a car effects the stopping distance by seeing how much kinetic energy the ball loses once it has converted its gravitational potential energy.

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Giver1 essays

The Giver1 essays In this book, the Giver, an old man gives all the memories of a world such as ours to a boy named Jonah. In this world there is no color, love, or twins, and the babies and children are bred by special people who have the job of birthmother. They then are adopted away. Everybody in the town has a special but awkward job. The giver tells Jonah of a place such as our normal world. After Jonah learns of the world before, he becomes anxious to escape and discover if their is a color outside world in which there is love, and normal families. The more visions that Jonah receives, the more painful they become. He also begins to become more and more anxious about discovering what is beyond his dull and controlled town. He also soon begins to have strange dreams of bathing one of his "girl" friends naked, in a bathtub. His parents then tell them to take certain pills to prevent these dreams, he does not because of his anxiety to find out what else there is in the world. The giver later tells Jonah how Jonah's and his own dinner, breakfast, and everything else that they do is monitored and controlled. The Giver later gives Jonah his consent to escape their town to go search for a normal and happier wolrd. Jonah kidnaps his baby brother who's twin gets killed by Jonah's dad. Him and the baby escape out the town into a normal world at the end of the book. The rest of the book, is about the visions that Jonah has, and explains how the "Giver," is the keeper of memories from the village from The ending of the book is somewhat uncertain, since you dont know if Jonah makes it out of a desert into a new, better world, or if the whole thing is a mirage, to Jonah. ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Meaning of Leaf Names in Latin or Greek

The Meaning of Leaf Names in Latin or Greek The following words are used in plant names to describe the leaves or foliage of plants. The basic Latin word for leaf is folium. Since folium is a neuter noun, the plural ends in a (folia). Botanically, folius is used as an adjective, as well. Foliatus, the masculine adjectival form of the Latin word for leaf, means leaved. The feminine adjectival form is foliata and the neuter is foliatum. If youre interested in picking up Latin vocabulary, strip the folius word from each entry on the following list. Example: In the case of acuminatifolius, stripping out folius leaves acuminat- plus a connecting vowel i. Acuminat- is from the past participle of acumino, -are, -avi, -atus which translates into English as to sharpen or to make sharp. Acuminat- may be familiar to you from the English word acumen. A acuminatifolius (leaves tapering gradually to a point) acuminatifolia acuminatifolium acutifolius (pointed leaves) acutifolia acutifolium aequifolius (equal leaves) aequifolii aequifolium afoliatus (without leaves) afoliata afoliatum albifolius (white leaved) albifolia albifolium alternifolius (alternating leaves) alternifolia alternifolium amplexifolius (leaves clasped [amplector to wind around, surround]) amplexifolia amplexifolium amplifolius (large leaved) amplifolia amplifolium angustifolius (narrow leaved) angustifolia angustifolium argutifolius (sharply toothed leaves) argutifolia argutifolium auriculifolius (leaves like an ear auricula - the ear, diminutive) auriculifolia auriculifolium B bifoliatus (with two leaves) bifoliata bifoliatum bipennifolius (two feathered leaves) bipennifolia bipennifolium brevifolius (short leaved) brevifolia brevifolium C capillifolius (hairy leaved) capillifolia capillifolium centifolius (100 leaves) centifolia centifolium cerefolius (wax leaved) cerefolia cerefolium chlorifolius (light green leaved) chlorifolia chlorifolium confertifolius (dense leaved) confertifolia confertifolium cordifolius (heart shaped leaves) cordifolia cordifolium crassifolius (thick leaved) crassifolia crassifolium cuneifolius (leaves tapered to the base) cuneifolia cuneifolium curtifolius (shortened leaves) curtifolia curtifolium cuspidifolius (stiff pointed leaves) cuspidifolia cuspidifolium cymbifolius (boat shaped leaves) cymbifolia cymbifolium D densifolius (densely leaved) densifolia densifolium distentifolius (distended leaves) distentifolia distentifolium diversifolius (many shaped leaves) diversifolia diversifolium E ensifolius (sword shaped leaves) ensifolia ensifolium exilifolius (small leaved) exilifolia exilifolium F falcifolius (sickle shaped leaves) falcifolia falcifolium filicifolius (fern like leaves) filicifolia filicifolium filifolius (thread like leaves) filifolia filifolium flabellifolius (fan shaped leaves) flabellifolia flabellifolium foliaceus (leafy, resembling a leaf) foliacea foliaceum foliolosus (having small leaves) foliolosa foliolosum foliosior (leafier) foliosior foliosius foliosissimus (leafiest) foliosissima foliosissimum foliosus (leafy) foliosa foliosum G gracilifolius (slender leaved) gracilifolia gracilifolium graminifolius (grass leaved) graminifolia graminifolium grandifolius (large leaved) grandifolia grandifolium I integrifolius (leaves entire) integrifolia integrifolium L latifolius (broad leaved) latifolia latifolium laxifolius (loose leaved) laxifolia laxifolium linearifolius (linear leaves) linearifolia linearifolium longifolius (long leaves) longifolia longifolium M millefoliatus (with 1,000 leaves) millefoliata millefoliatum millefolius (1,000 leaved) millefolia millefolium minutifolius (small leaved) minutifolia minutifolium mucronifolius (sharp pointed leaves) mucronifolia mucronifolium multifolius (many leaved) multifolia multifolium O oblongifolius (oblong leaves) oblongifolia oblongifolium obtusifolius (blunt leaves) obtusifolia obtusifolium oppositifolius (leaves opposite) oppositifolia oppositifolium ovalifolius (oval leaves) ovalifolia ovalifolium P parvifolius (small leaves) parvifolia parvifolium paucifolius (few leaved) paucifolia paucifolium perfoliatus (leaves joined around stem) perfoliata perfoliatum pinguifolius (fat leaves) pinguifolia pinguifolium planifolius (flat leaved) planifolia planifolium Q quadrifolius (4 leaved) quadrifolia quadrifolium R rectifolius (erect leaves) rectifolia rectifolium reflexifolius (reflexed leaves) reflexifolia reflexifolium remotifolius (leaves distant from each other) remotifolia remotifolium renifolius (kidney shaped leaves) renifolia renifolium rhombifolius (diamond shaped leaves) rhombifolia rhombifolium rotundifolius (round leaves) rotundifolia rotundifolium rubrifolius (red leaves) rubrifolia rubrifolium S sagittifolius (arrow shaped leaves) sagittifolia sagittifolium setifolius (with bristly leaves) setifolia setifolium simplicifolius (simple leaved) simplicifolia simplicifolium spathulifolius (spatula shaped leaves) spathulifolia spathulifolium spiculifolius (spiky leaves) spiculifolia spiculifolium subrotundifolius (leaves less round) subrotundifolia subrotundifolium T tenuifolius (slender leaved) tenuifolia tenuifolium teretifolius (cylindrical leaves) teretifolia teretifolium ternifolius (leaves in 3) ternifolia ternifolium tortifolius (twisted leaves) tortifolia tortifolium trifoliatus (3 leaved) trifoliata trifoliatum trifoliolatus (trifoliolate) trifoliolata trifoliolatum trifolius (3 leaves) trifolia trifolium U undulatifolius (wavy edged leaves) undulatifolia undulatifolium unifoliatus (one leaf) unifoliata unifoliatum unifolius (one leaf) unifolia unifolium V variifolius (variegated leaves) variifolia variifolium villifolius (hairy leaves) villifolia villifolium viridifolius (green leaved) viridifolia viridifolium

Sunday, February 16, 2020

International Business Law (US company launching products to Japan) Essay

International Business Law (US company launching products to Japan) - Essay Example Wally Solar Manufacturer hereinafter referred to as â€Å"Principal†; a corporation organized and registered in accordance with the laws of _________, having a registered address at ____________ and herein represented by ___________. Japan Sun Power Ltd., herein after referred to as â€Å"Agent†; a corporation organized and registered under the laws of Japan, having a registered address at ____________ and herein represented by ______________; The whereas portion are still useful and may stand as is subject to styling later on. For purposes of document styling purposes, I would suggest that we should adopt the method of setting the provisions in sections instead of mere paragraphs. The rest of my comments and suggestions will now follow this format. Section 1. Statement of Purpose. As can be observed, your draft agreement has no statement of purpose. At the very start, the purpose of this agreement should be defined in order to set the mode. Thus, a section should be added right after the naming of parties as follows: Statement of Purpose. This agreement is entered into by the parties for the purpose of executing an agency to sell the product of WALLY SOLAR MANUFACTURER by Japan Sun Power ltd. within the Japanese territory. Section 2 Definitions of Terms. There is no definition of terms in your draft agreement. I believe that this should be included in your agreement to gain common understanding and limitations of terms used. We must seek to do away with ambiguities of terms right from the start since these ambiguities may later on cause misunderstandings and eventual legal disputes. Terms which should be defined may include words used in the agreement such as but not limited to the following: (a) products; (b) territory; (c) order; (d) day(s); (e) date of receipt of the product (f) advertising and promotion. WALLY SOLAR MANUFACTURER hereby appoints Agent as its exclusive sales agent and representative in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

What were the key elements of the policy of deterrence and containment Essay

What were the key elements of the policy of deterrence and containment during the Cold War Evaluate their effectiveness and their costs - Essay Example policy of deterrence is basically a threat by one party to convince another party to halt evil actions that could become harmful for international peace. It should be noted that the era of cold war was greatly depending upon deterrence (Wison 1962). Considering Containment during cold war, it can be said United States had to implement the policy of containment to make sure that communism does not spread among other countries. The implementation of the policy of containment and deterrence was followed by United States during the cold war due to the threat of being threatened by communism (Hunter 1998). It should be noted that adherence of United States with the theory of containment during the cold war allowed intervention activities in Vietnam. Similar instance was noted at the Central America and Grenada. This shows the effectiveness of the key elements and theories as practically implemented. This is the key element that led to the implementation of these policies during cold war (Ray 2004). United States noticed that the influence of European counterparts was increasing with every passing day. United States was actually being pushed to defeat as the Vietnam havoc was basically because of communism spread. Thus, policy of containment was implemented to contain communism to their respective origin country (Gladdis 2005). The policy of containment is also refereed as the foreign policy of United States with other countries which that were noted as potential to harm United States. However, the cost involved throughout this foreign implication was relatively high. There was a risk of military attack by other activities despite undertaking deterrence (Ray 2004). The cost was high in terms of finance as the capital of European Union and United States was used to buy arms to compete with the forces in order to stay stabilized. The cost of humanity is another aspect that should be noted. However, it has been noted that implication of the policies allowed the Unites

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Strengths One of the Largest Players in Hypermarket Retail Industry

Strengths One of the Largest Players in Hypermarket Retail Industry According to some estimates which published in The Star Online (2010), Tesco enjoys a 30% market share of the Malaysian hypermarket industry by sales, followed by Giant (24%) and Jusco (22%). Giant grew substantially in markets mainly through the continued expansion of its hypermarket branches around Malaysia. As stated in Giants Official website (www.giant.com.my.), Giant was awarded the Top Retailer in Malaysia and Best of the Best in Asia Pacific Retailers Award for 2 consecutive years in 2007 and 2008. Giant has built a very strong retail brand, with a reputation of good value for consumers money and convenience because of a wide range of different products and services in one store. Diagram X: Market share of hypermarkets in Malaysia Sources from http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/9/3/business/6973298sec=business Low Price Leader Pricing a product or service properly can mean the difference between success and failure for a company especially in these challenging economic times.  In Malaysia, Giant is synonymous with its powerful slogan which says Everyday Low Prices, Big Variety and Great Value. There is no doubt that the slogan successfully publicizes the companys mission to the public where it offers a wide variety of products at the lowest possible price (Giant, 2010). The price comparison between Giant and its competitors is frequently advertised in the newspaper for public references (refer Appendix X). It is clear that products that sold in Giant are cheaper compared to other stores. This has also resulted that Giant is still the low price leader in Malaysia. High Brand Value of House Brand Products Bernard Chia, Merchandise Director for Fresh Grocery at Giant Hypermarket Singapore, says: Consumers have started to be more receptive of house brands as retailers are continuously educating them on the good quality and lower prices of their house brands. Consumers are seeing greater value in house brands. And with the economic downturn, many are turning to house brands for instant savings. (Source: Nicole Liang, 2009, from Food Export International) Fulfilling customer needs and wants to gain customers satisfaction are vital to companys existence. Giant has been offering its house brand range since the beginning when its first store opened in June 2000 (Nicole Liang, 2009). The Giant brand comes with unique yellow and green packaging that is instantly recognizable and differentiates with other brands. Every product is backed by a quality guarantee and is always priced competitively in the category (Giant, 2010). Examples: The Giant brand products packaging Sources from http://www.giant.com.my/ourbrand/brand/2 With the intention of keeping its high brand value in the market, Giant goes as far as to introduce the Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back scheme, to further emphasize its safe food quality (Nicole Liang, 2009). Customers are welcome to return and get a refund for the purchased products if they have found any Giant brand product not up to their expectations. Great nationwide growth Giant always understands the market taste and responsive to customer needs where having over 85 branches spread throughout all the states in Malaysia. Additionally, most of the branches are strategically and conveniently located in residential areas, regardless of new or old areas. Through its nationwide expansion, Giant managed to capture more market share compared to its competitor like Jusco which mostly focus on suburban residential areas and tapping the middle to high income group consumers (Jusco, 2009, pg15). Picture X: Giant Stores Location Sources from http://www.giant.com.my/location The Star Online, 2010, Sale of Carrefour may interest Competition Commission, Retrieved 15 September 2010, from http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/9/3/business/6973298sec=business Nicole Liang, 2009, Supermarket chains: House brands are here to stay, Retrieved 15 September 2010, from http://www.foodexportonline.com/html/oct09/privatelabels_supermarket-chains.html Jusco, 2009, pg15, Annual Report, Retrieved 15 September 2010, from http://www.jusco.com.my/juscohome/html/aeon_v2/oa/bursa/AEON_AnnualReport2009.pdf?PHPSESSID=l24l6cspr34mn9j0003bggme04 C:UsersLydiaDesktop20090524-2giant-vs-tesco2.jpg Weaknesses High Marketing Cost One of the Giants weaknesses is their relatively high marketing cost. Giant spends quite a lot of money for marketing purposes. To let more people to know more about the on-going promotions in Giant, Giant places their advertisements on local newspaper such as The Star, The Sun and other news press. Such advertisements are usually published on the weekend newspaper. Placing advertisement on newspaper can be quite costly. Besides, Giant prints out their promotion catalogue. Printing out the catalogue can be quite costly. Giant has different promotion catalogues for different places. For example, promotion catalogue for Sarawak Special, Malacca Special or even Putra Heights Special. This promotion catalogue is often distributed from house to house. This requires distribution fees as manpower is needed to distribute the catalogue. Recently, Giant Hypermarket also puts on advertisement on television. All these contribute to the high marketing cost. No loyalty and membership program Giant has no loyalty and membership program. Loyalty and membership is very important in order to create customer loyalty. This can be parts of their customer retention plan. It is said that retaining customers is much easier than getting a new one (Marzahn, 1996). By offering rewards to customers, they will most likely to make repurchasing from them. Compared to other hypermarket that has their own loyalty and membership program, customers are usually more attracted to them. While the economy is still recovering from the previous global recession, customers are stricter in budgeting and they are always attracted to rewards and privileges. They will want to get something in return from their purchasing. The ability to gain some rewards such as discount, cash voucher and cash rebate makes their purchase much more worthwhile. Poor pricing method Giant hypermarket has poor pricing method compared to other hypermarkets. Whenever promotions are conducted, the prices of the products will be different. The price list sometimes is not updated. Whenever the cashier scans the bar code, the price will be different from the displayed price. This sometimes causes customers to pay more than the actual price. This will create dissatisfaction to customers if they find out they have paid extra for the goods. The price list is hand written on a piece of yellow board. This price list is placed together with the products. The price list can be wrongly placed. This causes confusion to the customers. They are not sure the price of the products they wanted to buy. Besides, customers find it difficult to find a price reader to check for the price. The price readers which are wrongly placed makes it hidden from the customers. Figure: Hand written price list at Giant (Giant- About Us, 2010) Lack of Information Technology Utilization Giant website is not fully utilized Giant Hypermarket is still lacking in terms of utilization of information technology. Their own Giant website is not fully utilized. The content of the website is mostly promotions and the contest. The website is only for customers for viewing. To fully utilize the website, they can more features into their website. They can add in the products they sell in Giant and by categorizing them, it will be easier for customers to find the products they want. The website later can be enhanced into an e-commerce site where Giant can sell their products online. Thus, instead of having to go to the physical store, customers will be able to do online shopping. They can add in the wish list and shopping bag for customers in the website. Besides, in the website, there is no e- newsletter which customers can subscribe to. E-newsletter helps Debenhams to keep their existing and potential customers in touch with the latest offering such as promotions in store as well as news and events. This improves the sites traffic as well as building and expanding their customer database. Without this, customers will be sometimes being oblivious on the promotions as well as the happenings in Giant. Therefore, newsletter features should be added into Giants website. Customers can sign up for the newsletter. This consequently further improves Giants relationship with the existing customers. No Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) Keeping in touch with customers and understanding what they think about Giant is paramount to achieve Giants goals. Customers feedback is an important component which allows customers to voice out their view or share their shopping experience which doing their shopping at Giant. Customer feedback is vital to Giants continuous improvement. Regardless of compliments or criticisms, customer feedback actually helps Giant to understand their customers need and consequently enhances their services. Giant practices traditional customer relationship management. Whenever Giant customers have any complaint, they have to approach the staff directly. Sometimes, face-to-face talk can lead to misunderstandings. Thus, Giant should utilize their website to provide electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) for their customers. The website should allow the members to register and through login into Giant website, they are able to give their feedbacks online. Whenever they have any complaints, they can submit their complaints online. Besides, customers should be encouraged to give ratings and write product reviews after their purchases in Giants website. This helps other potential customers to make better purchase decision and this indirectly drives the product sales. Through the E-CRM, Giant will be able to know how the customers really felt towards Giant. Through those opinions, Giant will be able to take the initiatives to improve their services. Threats Competition The threats experienced by Giant are that there is stiff competition within the industry, there are other major supermarket chains, such as Tesco, Carrefour, Jusco, etc. in Malaysia that is competing alongside with Giant in the retail industry. Major example are, If competitors offers new innovative product and services why not Giant do the same thing too which more creative. Competitors might find new ways to enhance sales or production or they have superior access to cheaper raw materials. Giant famously losing market share  [1]  to particularly other well-known brand names like Tesco, Jusco and Carrefour in price competition as customers can find better pricing at other hypermarkets like Carrefour. Political New political issues in the future that might have negative impact on their business, for example, no price hike despite rising import costs, ban on construction, etc. Ban on hypermarket construction Another political issue that had negative impact on Giant business development was the rules implemented back in 2003  [2]  . The new rules banned any further development or expansion of hypermarkets in Klang Valley, including Kuala Lumpur and other states such as Johor and Penang in order to give the business opportunities for small businesses. This new rule was introduced because the three regions previously mentioned were already saturated with hypermarkets. With this rule, Giant could not expand their coverage to these areas. Fortunately, this rule is no longer in place and Giant does have few branches open in those areas. In fact, for example, to date Giant has 8 stores just in Kuala Lumpur itself  [3]  . House brand issues Another threat is that although their customers know their house brand, but it is not their customers preferable brand, their customer still prefers other established brand name products compared to theirs. Also, Giant shows that initially Bruneian cannot accept Giant due to numerous reasons, this can be scary for them because if their customers still cannot accept them for a long-term period, thus less people will shop in their store and sales will decreases. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨ Increase market share Strategies that would be appropriate for Giant would be to continue strategy to open more branches to increase market share and to eliminate competition. Besides, to increase marketing effort to gain customer awareness on their house brand products so that it can be a customer preferable brand in the future. In addition, Giant should add more variety on all the existing product line in their supermarkets, because this way, it will attract more customers as they will enable to buy everything under one roof, therefore make Giant their favorite and preferable shopping place. Lastly, Social or economic issues: changes on demographic trend can have significant impact on consumer spending. Risk of another economic downturn in Malaysia will have negative effects on their sales growth.

Friday, January 17, 2020

The company’s clothing and shoe designs typically feature Essay

Adidas was founded in 1948 by Adolf Dassler, following the split of Gebrà ¼der Dassler Schuhfabrik between him and his older brother Rudolf. Rudolf later established Puma, which was the early rival of Adidas. Registered in 1949, Adidas is currently based in Herzogenaurach, Germany. Puma is also based in Herzogenaurach. The company’s clothing and shoe designs typically feature three parallel bars, and the same motif is incorporated into Adidas’s current official logo.The company revenue for 2012 was listed at â‚ ¬14.48 billion. History Gebrà ¼der Dassler Schuhfabrik Christoph Von Wilhelm Dassler was a worker in a shoe factory, while his wife Pauline ran a small laundry in the Bavarian town of Herzogenaurach, 20 km (12.4 mi) from the city of Nuremberg. After leaving school, their son, Rudolf â€Å"Rudi† Dassler, joined his father at the shoe factory. When he returned from fighting in World War I, Rudolf received a management position at a porcelain factory, and later in a leather wholesale business in Nuremberg. Adolf â€Å"Adi† Dassler started to produce his own sports shoes in his mother’s wash kitchen in Herzogenaurach, Bavaria after his return from World War I. In July 1924, his brother Rudolf returned to Herzogenaurach to join his younger brother’s business, which became Gebrà ¼der Dassler Schuhfabrik (Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory) and prospered. The pair started the venture in their mother’s laundry,[6]:5 but, at the time, electricity supplies in the town were unreliable, and the brothers sometimes had to use pedal power from a stationary bicycle to run their equipment. By the 1936 Summer Olympics, Adi Dassler drove from Bavaria on one of the world’s first motorways to the Olympic village with a suitcase full of spikes and persuaded U.S. sprinter Jesse Owens to use them, the first sponsorship for an African American. Following Owens’s haul of four gold medals, his success cemented the good reputation of Dassler shoes among the world’s most famous sportsmen. Letters from around the world landed on the brothers’ desks, and the trainers of other national teams were all interested in their shoes. Business boomed and the Dasslers were selling 200,000 pairs of shoes each year before World War II. World War II and company split Both brothers joined the Nazi Party, but Rudolf was slightly closer to the party than Adolf. During the war, a growing rift between the pair reached a breaking point after an Allied bomb attack in 1943, when Adi and his wife climbed into a bomb shelter that Rudolf and his family were already in: â€Å"The dirty bastards are back again†, Adi said, referring to the Allied war planes, but Rudolf was convinced his brother meant him and his family.[9] After Rudolf was later picked up by American soldiers and accused of being a member of the Waffen SS, he was convinced that his brother had turned him in. The Dassler factory, used for production of anti-tank weapons during the war, was nearly destroyed by US forces in April 1945, but was spared when Adi Dassler’s wife, Kà ¤the, convinced the GIs that the company and its employees were only interested in manufacturing sports shoes. American occupying forces subsequently became major buyers of the Dassler brothers’ shoes. The brothers split up in 1947, with Rudi forming a new firm that he called Ruda – from Rudolf Dassler, later rebranded Puma, and Adi forming a company formally registered as Adidas AG from Adi Dassler on 18 August 1949. Although it is popularly claimed that the name is an acronym for All Day I Dream About Soccer, that phrase is a backronym; the name is actually a portmanteau formed from â€Å"Adi† (a nickname for Adolf) and â€Å"Das† (from â€Å"Dassler†). Early years and rivalry with Puma Puma and Adidas entered a fierce and bitter rivalry after the split. The town of Herzogenaurach was divided on the issue, leading to the nickname â€Å"the town of bent necks†Ã¢â‚¬â€people looked down to see which shoes strangers wore. Even the town’s two football clubs were divided: ASV Herzogenaurach club supported Adidas, while 1 FC Herzogenaurach endorsed Rudolf’s footwear. When handymen were called to Rudolf’s home, they would deliberately wear Adidas shoes. Rudolf would tell them to go to the basement and pick out a pair of free Pumas.The two brothers never reconciled, and although both are buried in the same cemetery, they are spaced apart as far as possible.[citation needed] In 1948, the first football match after World War II, several members of the West German national football team wore Puma boots, including the scorer of West Germany’s first post-war goal, Herbert Burdenski. Four years later, at the 1952 Summer Olympics, 1500 metres runner Josy Barthel of Luxembourg won Puma’s first Olympic gold in Helsinki, Finland. The original Adidas logo until 1997, it is now used on Adidas Originals At the 1960 Summer Olympics Puma paid German sprinter Armin Hary to wear Pumas in the 100 metre sprint final. Hary had worn Adidas before and asked Adolf for payment, but Adidas rejected this request. The German won gold in Pumas, but then laced up Adidas for the medals ceremony, to the shock of the two Dassler brothers. Hary hoped to cash in from both, but Adi was so enraged he banned the Olympic champion.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Paradigm Of Multilateral Security - 1124 Words

Today, the established way for describing security requirements, as reflected for example in the Common Criteria, an international standard to achieve comparability of independent IT security evaluations, starts with a description of the functional requirements, the system architecture, and its working environment. It then continues with a threat analysis that describes envisaged threats, possibly followed by an evaluation of the severity of threats through a risk analysis and ends with the definition of a security policy. But nowadays, the world is not as simple as that: in civil systems, in which we are interested, there are many more stakeholders who have an interest in an asset than just the owner of the IT system. More often than not, stakeholders have conflicting interests with respect to assets. The paradigm of multilateral security acknowledges this fact. Multilateral security contradicts the traditional view, which assumes that there is a ‘‘trusted tribe’à ¢â‚¬â„¢ who has a homogeneous set of security requirements against the rest of the world. But this traditional assumption still heavily influences common approaches toward security engineering. To take multilateral security seriously in security requirements engineering (SRE), a requirements engineering process must support engineers in identifying security goals of the security stakeholders, and in resolving conflicts among them—and in the reconciliation of security goals and other, notably functional, requirements.Show MoreRelatedAustralia: The Foreign Policy of the Hawke-Keating Government1501 Words   |  7 Pages The paradigm shift of Australian foreign policy from reliance on security through ‘‘great and powerful friends’’ towards the formation and strengthening of diplomatic and cultural relations with the Asia-Pacific region began arguably under the Whitlam government and has since become the predominant focus of foreign policy for both major parties. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Assessing Investors Take Essay Example Pdf - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1482 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Type Argumentative essay Topics: Investment Essay Did you like this example? Before going to make any investment, investors should do some research pertaining to what kind of investment the investors are going to invest, when is the right for investors to put the money in, How much investment amount should put in, and so forth. Investors should seek every aspect pertaining to the investment that investors want to invest. Thus, investors have an opportunity to look overall situation at different investment opportunities that are being suitable for investor. Confidence in traditional investment vehicles such pensions and equities as seen better days and many investors are still licking their wounds after the dotcom crash that has overshadowed investment markets since beginning of the decade( UK investment advice). However, over-confidence by the investors will lead to investment failure. It is because some investors may over-confidence in certain investment especially the investment consists low risk, then the investment will show hand an d put all the asset of themselves into a basket of investment. Actually, this kind of behavior is wrong and make harmful for the investors. Normally, the investment adviser will advise the investor cannot to do it so, but the intense of the investors insist to do. Consequently, the investors may loss everything. So, investors nowadays ought to learn from this lesson. However, nowadays investors are far conscious of the need for low risk investments that bring solid growth in the long term compare to the higher risk assets. According to the World Gold Council, the gold investment demand predicted to increase. Speaking by the Globe and Mail, Martin Murenbeeled, chief economist, the gold investment demand was higher than that for gold jewellery until the later 1960s and predicted an uptick in both in 2010 as investors flock to precious metal as a safe haven vehicle and the jewellery sector recovers. Therefore, it could possible attract many investors to invest or hold or buy the gold. There are some tips and advice for the investors as a guideline before they are going to invest in certain investment. First, the investors have to take a look from the reputable publication such as Business Week or Fortune. In practice, these kinds of publications provide point of view by certain famous economist or news of the gold investment market regularly. They are reputable publications that have built their reputation on a solid history of working with different experts. Next, investors could look for some information from the journalists that work under the reputable publications. In addition, these publications will set up a QA site for people to ask the question. So the investors could post their queries on there about the gold investment. However, if the investors feel unsure or unsecure about the information that has been provided, investors could directly make call to them for getting further detail about the gold investment. Not only is the journalist from the p ubilication, there also some journalists from the professional financial. In this kind of journalists, they will always update the information about market as it stands, and give their valuable opinion on the best gold investment opportunities. Advice for the investors is try to look for the high quality newspaper or journalist in order to obtain more accurate information. It is no doubt that investors could find the clues or hints or tips from the international markets. The international markets will exhibits the news pertain the currently situation to the general field of gold trading. However, investor could not rely on the domestic market since it is affected by the localized issue. As we mentioned, the value of gold will not affected the issue of the political and economic downturn. No matter how fluctuation about the political event, the value of gold does share with it. Therefore, investors have to look forward to the different aspects of the international markets that mig ht aid for decision making. Moreover, overall prices of gold investment could be determined by the general economic situation in investors country. Investors should always get ready when there is any economic turn bad. It is because it might impact on the reaction of the gold market. Thus, investors should be prepared for this reaction and take steps to be part of it in order to minimize the loss. This preparation could be stated as Prevention is better than cure. In addition, some investors may get the gold market information from the media. Obviously, the report from media will more abstract sometime. Investors might misunderstand the information from the media. Apart from that, sometime the media disclose the information of gold with too optimistic or too pessimistic. Thus, the investors should not totally trust the information from the media. Investors should have the ability to analyze the every information that the investors obtain. Investors should more understand the e very concept that involved in the development of the market before they rely on the media entirely in their decision making. Therefore, it could reduce the possibility failure of the gold investment. There are some avoided actions that investors should take note. Investors do not listen to the myths that gold investment is only the preserve of the wealthy. Investors must have the ability to distinguish the wrong or right information. Investors could not entirely rely on the belief of society. It might influence the decision making of the investors. Gold investment can be taken on by anyone as long as they have the inclinations and drive to participate in the market. Normally, gold is split into smaller and traded at lower prices than you might expect if you just follow the mythical claims. Once the investors decide to hold the gold investment, there is no reason for the investors not join in the market. Besides that, investors do not make up the facts as they have gone through . Investors should make the gold investment follow the sound factual information. This can be very costly investment and therefore the investors have to ensure that they are ready to deal with facts rather than speculation as they prepare to participate in the market. It is better to get sound gold investment advice before proceed any further. Investors could get the information from the individual trader. Individual trader may provide some useful information because their job always related to the gold investment. Individual trader normally gives the information about the gold investment opportunities that have come up on the market. However, investors should not entirely trust on their information because individual trader might be working with the self-interest that is not immediately obvious. Some investors will invest in gold investment because of their family. They hear from their family member talks about how good of a certain investment. Actually, investors should not listen up the prediction of the family because they are not professional about the investment. Even their prediction or information might be wrong. So reliability the information from the family is low. However, if they are speaking from the experience then investors might be well advised to check out what they are saying. It might be the individual tips or clues from them. So investors could make it as a reference, but not totally rely on. Some investors might use the fund from the pension to do the investment. Pension fund will you some advice. Pension fund manager might advice you to invest in gold in order to expand the potential of your portfolio. They are possible to take a bad risk if you are involved in the process and veto the decisions that are made. You should keep contact with the pension fund manger if you are really interest invest in gold investment. Those investors who really interest invest in gold investment; they could seek help from the banks. Banks could a lways give the actual information and advice for the investors in anytime. Even banks will set out a special site for any investors need the consultation on the investment. Thus, bank will provide recommendation which gold product should investment. Investors need to be forefront of such efforts if investors are given the option to check out the various gold investment opportunities. In fact investors are possible to have higher standards from the bank advisers. Those that belong to a cooperative union might be able to get advice from there. In this situation you are at the mercy of your co investors. Where there is disagreement the majority rule tends to operate but you can always make suggestion and back them up with facts and figures. With a bit of luck they will begin to make a decision based on the figures that you have provided. The internet is a rich source in gold investment opportunities for sure. There are many would be investment advisers but you have to be wary of those that do not know what they are talking about. However this does not stop you from researching the topic in making your gold investment decision. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Assessing Investors Take Essay Example Pdf" essay for you Create order